Our Mission:
The Massapequa Kiwanis Club was founded in September of 1949.
Objective: To respond to the needs of the community. The club's primary emphasis is on the youth, with the willingness to support all facets of our community.
Not For Profit: The Massapequa Kiwanis Foundation formed in 1989 ensures that every dollar raised from the community goes back to the community!
Commitment: Our club meets for dinner & luncheon meetings on the first 4 Wednesdays of every month. Please refer to the “Club Meetings” on your left for a complete schedule. This dedication enables the club to act immediately to the needs of the Massapequas.
Worldwide: Kiwanis is an International Organization. Founded in 1915, now has more than 8,000 clubs in over 80 countries with more than 300,000 members
Membership: Our club has about 60 members as of fall, 2021. Membership is by invitation of a current member with a second sponsor needed prior to installation. The current dues are $125.00 per year and a $25.00 stipend towards our Installation of Officers – Dinner Dance, in October of every year. A reduced due is offered to a second member of the same household. A new member is also charged a one-time $65.00 new member fee to be enrolled in Kiwanis International records. The Kiwanis year is from October through September. All dues for new members are at a pro rata share for the first year.
Requirements: Have fun, help on committees as much as possible, Have fun, participate in at least one fund raising event, Have fun, bring ideas and requests to the club, Have fun, come to at least one meeting a month, Have fun, network before & after meetings, Have fun, get involved and be proud to be a member in the finest community service organization in the area.
Get to Know Us
Executive Board:

Michael Mazzola Dr. Dianne Finkelstein
President Vice President

Jim Taratunio
2nd Vice President

Sue Febraro

Buddy Antonelli