Poker Game Night Date: March 16th!
Thanks For Registering!

The First Jean Dionisio Memorial Poker Game Night will be held on April 1st at the Massapequa Kiwanis Cabin. Our Kiwanis Charity Texas Holdem Poker Game Night has a $100.00 entry fee for 10,000 starting chips. This includes 5 raffle tickets, snacks, beer, wine, and soda.
Re-buys will be available for the first hour for those players eliminated. To re-enter, the player will need $50 for 10,000 chips. Players must have zero chips to rebuy. A first break add-on will be available to all players with chips. This add-on will be $50 for 8,000 chips. No other additional chips will be offered once the second session begins.
Blinds increase at 15-minute increments. After hour one, there is a 10-minute break. There will be an additional 5- or 10-minute break after each additional hour of play. An additional 5-minute break will be allowed once the “final table” has been determined.
Blinds Structure: 100/200, 200/400, 300/600, 400/800, 500/1,000, 600/800, 800/1,600, 1,000,2,000, 1,200/2,400, 1,500/3,000, 2,000/4,000, 3,000/6,000, 5,000/10,000, 7,000/14,000, 10,000/20,000, 15,000/30,000, 20,000/40,000, 30,000/60,000, 40,000/80,000, 50,000/100,000, 75,000/150,000, 100,000/200,000.
The cash prize pool payouts will be awarded to the top 6 players. 50% of the pot will go to Massapequa Kiwanis for distribution to local charity. The remaining 50% will be awarded to the final six player in this percentage of the remaining pot:
1st place: Kiwanis Championship Bracelet, 10 raffle tickets, 1 Grand raffle ticket & 45% of the Prize pool
2nd place: 10 raffle tickets & 20% of the Prize pool
3rd place: 7 raffle tickets & 15% of the Prize pool
4th place: 5 raffle tickets & 10% of the Prize pool
5th place: 3 raffle tickets 5% of the Prize pool
6th place: 1 raffle ticket 5% of the Prize pool